EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish System)
This section covers the standard requirements for  non-load bearing building cladding systems that provides exterior walls with an insulated, water-resistant, finished surface in an integrated composite material system.
1)  Installation of Framing
1.1    Mark location where framings for insulation board will be installed.
1.2    Check the plumbness to make certain that the frames are vertically aligned.
1.3    Fasten the frames using metal screws following the detail and specification on the plan.

2)  Installation of Drywall
2.1    Use 4’ x 8’ drywall with minimum thickness of 6mm.
2.2    Normally drywall is installed vertically along the longest dimension.
2.3    Use black screw to fasten the drywall onto the metal framing.

3)  Installation of Insulation Board
3.1    Use 2’x4’ Expanded Polystyrene Foam with minimum density of 1PCF. Thickness of EPS varies with the design.
3.2    Apply a dub of GRANDFIX BASECOAT 2K (as adhesive) with the aid of steel trowel around the perimeter and on the center of EPS.
3.3    Install EPS by pressing on the substrate starting from the bottom with the long edge oriented horizontally ensuring complete contact of GRANDFIX BASECOAT 2K to the substrate.
3.4   The final thickness of the bonded adhesive must be at least 3mm.
3.5   Check the level of the surface of installed EPS and  correctsome uneven surface by rasping using grated metal sheets or sandpaper 24 hours after installation of EPS.
3.6   Insulation board or EPS joints must be applied staggered just like laying CHB and  interlock at corners.
3.7   Designs on surface of EPS such as grooves must be done prior to installation of surface leveling basecoat and  textured finish.
4)  Application of Surface Leveller
4.1    Apply GRANDFIX BASECOAT 1K (as surface leveler) with the aid of steel trowel embedding a suitable fiberglass mesh of 75gsm.
4.2    GRANDFIX BASECOAT 1K (as surface leveler) shall be applied to a thickness of 1.5mm with the mesh completely embedded.
4.3    Grandfix basecoat should be left dry for at least 24 hours before installing the desired texture.
5)  Application of Textured Finish Coating
5.1    Apply 1coat of GRANDPRUF ACRYFLEX (Elastic Acrylic Coating) as primer to match the color of GRANDFIX TFC (Texture Finish Coating).
5.2    Apply GRANDFIX TFC (Texture Finish Coat) directly onto the surface by using hopper gun attached to air compressor (for machine application) or using hand trowel (for hand application) to the desired thickness. Maintain a wet edge by applying and texturing continually over the surface until an entire wall section is completely covered. Application rate is about 8 to 10 sq.m/25kg pail.
For Machine Application
1.0   Apply air pressure ranges from 80 – 120 psi. Spray 1st layer over dry surface to cover substrate completely.
2.0   Spray 2nd layer after 2 – 4 hours depends on air temperature to attain the desired texture.
For Machine Application
3.0   Use a steel trowel, spread on evenly  and level coat of Grandfix TFC to uniform thickness.
4.0   Rub the surface of applied Grandfix TFC with a circular motion in one direction using steel trowel or pvc trowel to attain the desired texture.
6)  Protection
6.1    Windy conditions and direct sunlight may result in faster drying time. Maintain a wet edge for color and texture uniformity.
6.2    Protect work area from rain and direct sunlight for at least one day.


Texture Finish Coat

This section covers the standard requirements for Decorative Texture Finish Coat Application using GRANDFIX TFC made from 100% Acrylic polymer blended with high quality of fillers and aggregates which is typically spray or trowel applied depends on required texture finish.
1) Surface Preparation Works
1.1    Surfaces should be properly cured, clean and sound, free of dust and loose particles. Cement laitance, oil, grease, or mould release agents and all form of contaminants must be removed from concrete surface by wire brushing, grinding or by other means.
1.2    Any signs of damage on the surface such as cracks, broken edges, spalled concrete, and other defects should be noted and corrected.
1.3    Surface imperfections, misalignments & protrusions must be leveled-off, patched & completely flushed to surround surfaces.
1.4    Metal, tie wire on surface must be removed or treated against corrosion.
1.5    Apply Grandpruf Acryflex – Elastic Acrylic Coating that will match color to the of Grandfix TFC – Texture Finish Coat as primer.
2)  Mixing
2.1    Mix the Grandfix TFC for approximately 1 (one ) to 2 (two) minutes until uniform or homogeneous consistency is achieved using appropriate mixing paddle attached to slow speed electric mixing drill.
2.2    Grandfix TFC is a ready-to-use material. Therefore, addition of water is not recommended. Apply the materials within 15 – 20 minutes depending on ambient temperature.
3)  Applications
A.  For Machine Application
1.    Apply the Grandfix Texture Finish Coat directly onto the surface by using hopper gun attached to air compressor.
2.    Pour the desired amount of Grandfix TFC onto the funnel of the hopper gun and gradually release air from the compressor.
3.    The distance of the gun from the surface should be at least 1 meter to prevent excessive rebound and wastage of the materials.
4.    Apply Grandfix TFC by layering and maintaining a wet edge to cover the substrate and meet the desired thickness and texture.
5.    The minimum requirement of air pressure should be 2HP for ease of application.
6.    Application rate is about 8 to 10sqm/25kg pail.
B.  For Hand Application
1.    Apply the Grandfix Texture  Finish Coat using hand trowel  to the desired thickness.
2.    Maintain a wet edge by applying and texturing continually over the surface until an entire wall section is completely covered.
3.    Application rate is about 8 to 10 sq.m/25kg pail.